Writing a confession

Are there any rules I should follow when writing a confession?

Yes, while writing a confession you have to keep a few things in mind. - Your confession WILL make it onto our unfiltered tab, so you are responsible for making sure it follows the rules set out on our terms of use. - Your confession can be posted on facebook, while we take the responsibility of conforming to the facebook terms of service. It is in your confession's best interest to conform to these guidelines already. In short: - Absolutely no personal or identifiable details. - No marketing of any kind unless granted explicit permissions.

Can you help me spread this event?

Contact us with your proposal. We might be able to help you, no promises.

How do I upload an image?

Just make an account, you'll be able to upload pictures straight from the confess-area. Please add a fun description and try to keep it to original content.

How do I make a poll?

Use the teal poll button and add at least 2 options. If you want a specific reaction for an answer, you can leave some options empty.

How should I write my hashtags?

For readability, we prefer camelCase. This means starting every word with a capital except for the first. Hashtags should have spaces between them and don't include punctuation.

I am looking for a person, can you help me find him/her?

We tend to stay away from these posts but if you can make your story stand out we will consider it.


A person from a confessions clearly needs help, could you give me contact details?

Over the years we have gotten a lot of variations of this question. People have contacted police and even then our answer almost always stays the same: We cannot provide anyone with any details because we do not have this information ourselves. There are a few exceptions, although they are not always a path to guaranteed success. 1. The user has left me a personal message. I cannot confirm if this is the actual poster of the confession, but I can provide help. 2. The user had an account and was logged in while posting the confession. In this case I am able to access an email address and provide it to the appropriate authorities.

My confession was not posted on facebook, did I do something wrong?

After posting a confession, you are redirected to the 'pending'-page. If you save this page and reload it when you get impatient you can see the current status of your confession. - pending: We have not gotten to your confession yet - rejected: We did not deem your confession worthy for any reason. - confession has a number: Congratulations, you made it to our facebook page. When this page does load, you could contact us directly.


What happened to snapchat?

Mirroring the mechanics of the confessions, snapchat only works when we have enough submissions. You can find the latest snapchat account in the footer of this website.

Could you post confessions on this platform I use?

If there is an API available, we could do this. Ask us or build the solution yourself.